Promising review: "I didn’t have the highest hopes for this but I was pleasantly surprised when I tried it. (Oh! And don't let the white color of the product put you off - as you work it through your hairs it actually turns into a translucent wax.) Now, I don't by any means have thick, model-esque brows so the laminated effect of shaping them upwards doesn't really work for me, however, in terms of just keeping strays from moving around this does *the* trick. But this is the only product I've used that actually keeps them in place. I definitely need some assistance when it comes to sculpting my brows, and because my caterpillars are a little longer in length they tend to droop very easily - even after slicking them back with some brow gel. I have this absolute gem of a product - as well as the Refy pomade and pencil - and THIS.this does the job of three tools and comes in one sleek tube. Get it from Amazon for $28.91+ (available in two colors). A great tip I learned is to flip the tool each time you use it on a section to alternate the way the waves face, it makes the waves look more natural! I highly recommend." - Ana V The one trick is finding out how to style it the way you want, for the look you want.

I use the highest heat setting and hold it on my hair for five seconds on each portion of the section of hair I'm working on. The tool is light and has a comfortable grip. It took me about 15 minutes to waive all my hair. I love it! My hair is to my waist and very thick and naturally curly, and it worked very well. However, I kept seeing posts about how great this tool is, so I bought it. Promising review: "I'm always skeptical on new hair tools, as I've been burned many times (pun intended). This heats up to 400° Fahrenheit, has dual voltage, which means you can use it internationally, uses tourmaline ceramic technology for maximum shine and minimum frizz, and even has an auto-shutoff feature.